4 - Chathouse 3D

Tutorials über Chathouse 3D! Radio and Music streaming

Chathouse 3D Radio is a great solution to share your music with your friends in your locations. It follows the same link including principe as the Picturewalls. There are 2 major advantages: the radio uses a very smaller bandwidth for data transfer and very few graphic card resources. Unlike YouTube videos,  music is always synchronized […] Streaming your own audio into Chathouse

The Bluetooth Radio/Speaker in room editor adds music to a custom room. Typically streaming music of the room creator’s choice from any of the many thousands of free Internet radio channels available online. It is however possible to stream your own playlists and music from your computer rather than using a public radio channel stream. […] Building in Room Editor: General Concepts

Welcome to our general guide on location building and editing In Chathouse. The purpose of this guide is to help improve your location performance, build quicker and create better looking rooms. This guide represents a collection of tips and tricks from the developers and most experienced „builders“ in thriXXX. We assume you have already read […] Room Editor: Performance Tips

Chathouse 3D Room Editor is a powerful tool which allows you to build incredible locations by yourself or in cooperation with your friends. This section of our Knowledge Base is dedicated to suggestions to boost your location performance one of the most important aspects of Room Editing. The amazing creative freedom allowed by Room Editor is […]

4.4.7 Examples of User Created Locations [work in progress]

Here’s a collection of screenshots from user created locations in Chathouse 3D. These are just examples of what can be generated with the Room Editor feature, hopefully they will inspire you to create better looking and more enjoyable locations! User Created Locations: @LisaBommel and paolo_d     @_Maggie_     @VelvetCrimson     @Jenny_O     […]

4.4.8 Featured Locations (aka Beta Rooms)

Featured locations are user created rooms that are publicly shared in Chathouse 3D. These locations provide deeper and more diverse ways of playing the game and socializing. They also represent a calling card for thriXXX so they are carefully selected. Having your room published as „featured“ is a privilege, not a right. Featured rooms (previously […]

4.4.9 Customizing your own clothes in Chathouse

Chathouse 3D stands out from most other sex games because of it’s rich customization features. Clothes are available in many designs and colors, and some of them are customizable for your own textures. The following items are currently customizable. These simple T-Shirts allow you to add a single image on the shirt and edit the […]

4.5.1 Chathouse 3D Benutzererstellter Inhalt

Auf thriXXX findest du von Benutzern erstellte Inhalte zur kostenlosen Verwendung in Chathouse. Du kannst deine Inhalte anbieten indem du einen Moderator kontaktierst. Du bist für dein eingereichtes Material verantwortlich, stell sicher das dein Inhalt keiner Urheberrechtsverletzung unterliegt. Auf dieser Seite findest du Inhalte, die in Chathouse als Texturen für Kleidung oder universelle Objekte implementiert […]

Can I play thriXXX games on a Apple MAC?

Unfortunately some high-profile PC-Games, like our thriXXX games, just don’t make it to the Mac. But don’t worry, there are several software tools available for your Mac which will help you to play our games on it. The easiest work-around you could try is with BootCamp: BootCamp

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