Vous trouverez dans cette section toutes les informations nécessaires à la bonne utilisation de Chathouse 3D, ainsi que des astuces et conseils sur les différents modes (lobby, éditeur de chambre…). En cliquant sur les liens suivants, vous serez redirigé vers les différentes catégories et articles qui composent cette section. Si vous préférez faire une recherche […]
4 - Chathouse 3D
Différents tutoriels à propos de Chathouse 3D
4.1.1 Télécharger et installer Chathouse 3D
Vous devez préalablement avoir créé un compte. Une fois que cela est fait, connectez-vous. Téléchargez le lanceur depuis le lien dans la rubrique « Using the thriXXX launcher ». Installez-le en suivant les instructions qui s’affichent à l’écran. Une fois l’installation terminée, ouvrez le lanceur et connectez-vous avec votre compte thriXXX. Dans la barre latérale, sélectionnez « Chathouse […]
4.1.2 Réglages et fonctionnalités du lanceur
Le lanceur vous permet de sélectionner, lancer les différents jeux et de modifier leurs options. Il y a deux façons d’accéder au panneau d’option : Maj + clic gauche Ouvrez le lanceur, sélectionnez Chathouse 3D dans la barre latérale (1), puis maintenez la touche Maj et cliquez sur le bouton « Start game ». Bouton « Options » […]
4.2.1 Lobby Overview
The Lobby is the Control Center in Chathouse 3D. From here you can select the various Game Modes which allow you to play solo, connect to other players in public locations, create your own locations and invite other players. You can also access the Chat Panel to get in contact with other players or open […]
4.2.2 Game Modes (Chathouse 3D) [work in progress] ESCORT EXPLAINATION @DIRTY-SIX :)
The Gamemode Section allows you to choose the way you like to play: you can connect with strangers, with friends, play with a paid escort, edit your rooms and play in a singleplayer session. Below you will find some detailed explanation about every gamemode. 6. Continue: This button will confirm and take you to your […]
4.2.3 Character Customization [SHOULD BE READY]
The Character Customization allows you to customize your avatar individual. You can change the name, choose between man and woman, edit different body parts and much more! By clicking on « Customize Character » you will leaded to a more detailed explaination! Saveslots of your characters. If you have no free saveslot, you can buy a new […]
4.2.4 Characters and Locations Backup
NOTE: This backup saves just the informations which are stored in the thriXXX database (characters, rooms) and does not include any data in your MyShares! In case that something is wrong with your Chathouse 3D Account, you can send the .txc file via ticket to the SUPPORT and they will try to restore your account. […]
4.3.1 Ingame Overlay
Every time you join a Chathouse 3D session you will find a panel with many functions. You can hide it by clicking on the X icon on the upper right corner and show it by clicking on the squared icon in the same place when the panel is hidden. As an alternative you can also […]
4.3.2 Camera Control Panel (Chathouse 3D) [NEEDS EXPLAINATION] Oculus Rift Camera, Camera Sensitivity,
This is the Camera Controls Menu. Here you find a lot of different customizations for your camera and the handling of it. You can decide how the camera has to drive, if you wanna look in the first person mode or looking through the partner eyes. Also is this Panel very useful for the Room […]
4.3.3 Chat Session Panel [work in progress] @ Dirty-Six: All things marked with « ? » need explaination
The Session Panel lets you invite friends, lets you join into their room, handle the voice over function and other different things. 1. Friends: By clicking on the friends picture (which are normaly not black :) ), you can select if your partner has to join as voyeur or with the character. You also can […]