Vous trouverez ici des informations à propos des différents réglages disponibles pour votre compte. Les diverses options vous permettront de personnaliser entièrement votre compte et votre profil.
4.1.0 Bienvenue dans Chathouse !
4.2.2 Game Modes (Chathouse 3D) [work in progress] ESCORT EXPLAINATION @DIRTY-SIX :)
The Gamemode Section allows you to choose the way you like to play: you can connect with strangers, with friends, play with a paid escort, edit your rooms and play in a singleplayer session. Below you...
4.3.3 Chat Session Panel [work in progress] @ Dirty-Six: All things marked with « ? » need explaination
The Session Panel lets you invite friends, lets you join into their room, handle the voice over function and other different things. 1. Friends: By clicking on the friends picture (which are normaly n...
I was accepted as an Escort, what should I do now?
As an active escort you can invite any of your friends to an escort session, for this go into Chathouse 3D and switch to the Escort-Gamemode, then you will see a list of your friends to choose from. W...