thriXXX Community is the place where you can find an overview of all your community activities, all gathered in the same place.
- On the X-Streams page you will find all the content related to you, like posts where you are mentioned or where a hashtag you are following are present.
- MyShares contains all the pictures you upload organised in folders as you prefer.
- Friends and Followers shows a list of friends, friend requests, followers, players‘ streams you are following and hashtags you are following.
- The Notifications page is where you find notifications about posts where you are mentioned, replies to your posts, likes, answers to your comments… You can choose which actions you want to be informed of in the Account Settings page.
- The Hashtags page displays all the available hashtags.
- The Achievements page shows the goals in game you have reached.
- The Mentioned Posts page contains the list of posts where you are mentioned. In order to mention a user you need to type his/her nickname preceded by @ in a post or a comment.
- The Escorts page displays a list of users who play Chathouse as escorts.